Root canal treatment involves the removal of the pulpal tissues from the damaged tooth. The pulp can be infected or inflamed due to either deep caries or heavily restored tooth that involves the pulp. Symptoms experienced may range from occasional sensitivity to hot and cold foods, to constant throbbing or a dull ache, to pain on chewing. Root canal treatment saves teeth that would otherwise have to be extracted.
The goal of root canal treatment is to improve the health of your damaged tooth. Under local anaesthetic, during treatment, the pulp is removed from the root canals, and then the canals are cleaned and disinfected. The treatment may take one or more visits. The canals are then sealed with an inert material that occupies the space vacated by the removal of the pulp. After the internal of the tooth has been treated, the external will be restored with a crown to protect the tooth underlying structures and to bring the tooth back into function.